2 years ago today I was at my husband's funeral. 1 year ago today I was at the BRICKS booklet release party. Today I went to IKEA and Home Depot.
It struck me as incredibly odd/crazy/terrifying that so much has changed, and yet so much is still the same, after 2 years. TWO YEARS. Lately Ive been wondering what Ive done with my life in these 24 months. Have I done enough? Am I "better" enough? Are things "normal" enough? If I look at the ways I spent March 20th in 2009, 2010, and 2011, then the answer appears to be yes.
Im not sure if thats the right answer, or if there even IS a right answer. I think, though, that there is some sense to this. Maybe getting through all of this is sort of like working on my house. One little job at a time, one small improvement. Do another project when I have the time and resources. I can live with it as is, but I just have to keep working and making it better.