Im not sure that the thoughts rolling around in my head are worth sharing, so of course, here I am. Typing them out, working through them.
Ive been thinking a lot lately about how to go about the second edition of the BRICKS for Young Adults Cancer Awareness and Resource Guide. I think its a worthwhile project and I learned a lot the first time around. Surely the second time through will be easier. I have the funds I need. I know, more or less, what Im doing. What I dont have are stories. I need YOU for that part. Ive put out the call a few times, Ive emailed individuals who I thought might want to contribute, the response has been disheartening. People say its necessary, that the project has value. I know that writing about one's cancer experience can be extremely difficult and deeply personal- but isnt that the point? Isnt that what makes the booklet so important?
If youve considered contributing to the booklet, please let me know. Post in the comments here or shoot me an email at brickspgh at gmail dot com. I would really love to make this happen again.
Another thing that will happen again, without doubt, is Blood & Cupcakes. This November will be my fourth time hosting the blood drive, and its almost time to start working on it again, which I can hardly believe. If youre a regular donor, or have never given before, now is the time to start thinking about coming out and helping us reach our goal of 60 units of blood collected for the Central Blood Bank, in honor of their 60 years of serving the community.
Theres lots more to talk about and think about but for now I think this all I want to type about. Ha. More soon, dont hesitate to get in touch with questions, comments, concerns, or contributions.
do you only want stories from young cancer survivors or are you also accepting stories from friends, family, and loved ones? also, do you only want survival stories?
ReplyDeleteNot all cancer experiences end in survival, so no, not only survivor stories. Stories from widows/widowers/etc are an important part of the reality of young adult cancer. The last book had stories from loved ones, caregivers, etc, but only with the permission of the person who's cancer experience they are talking about. We want to respect people's privacy! Please feel free to contact me directly at the email address above if you have additional questions.
ReplyDeleteWould you consider an anonymous story?
ReplyDeleteYes, a story can be published anonymously! I would need to get some information from the submitter, but it could totally be printed without the author's name.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'd love to participate, but I don't know specifically the kind of stories you want--tone and that sort of thing--or even if you're still looking.
ReplyDeleteWe are absolutely still looking! Send me an email at brickspgh at gmail dot com and we can discuss it further! I can also send you a copy of the previous booklet so you have a reference for the type pf submissions.