And its not too late to come and donate blood! We've sweetened the deal with some extra special prizes for the donor raffle- gift certificates from our beloved friends at Gypsy Cafe, Piper's Pub and the Tartan Devil's Football Club, Jester's Court Tattoos and more!
As always there will be cupcakes for everybody- from independent bakers as well as our friends at My Goodies Vegan Bakery and Magnolia Cafe. Each donor receives raffle tickets to enter to win prizes, as well as a commemorative mug for the first 45 donors! We'll also have copies of the BRICKS for Young Adults Cancer Awareness & Resource Guide for those of you who may not have one yet, or want to know more about what we're about!
The drive benefits the Central Blood Bank, and their basical donor qualifications can be found here. The CBB staff are super helpful and really good at what they do- so dont be afraid to come out and learn more about donating. Repeat donors are always welcome and encouraged, as are "first timers"!
Its a really fun and exciting day, we hope we'll see you there. We're counting on you all to help make our third annual Blood & Cupcakes the most successful yet!
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