Monday, March 15, 2010

Quote of the Day

Here is today's quote of the day, from the BRICKS for Young Adults Cancer Awareness & Resource Guide:

"There are a few specks I remember when I first found out. A family doctor appointment soon followed my slight tumor-like finding. I sat on a table (or maybe it was a chair) when the nurse came in and spoke to me as though we were previously engaged in conversation, or that I had the slightest clue of what she was speaking. She cheerfully strung together words that sounded like, “You’ll lead a normal life someday,” and “I’ve been through it too.” Confusion washed into a piecing together of our crossed, unshared timelines."
-Katlyn Basilone

If youd like to get a copy of our booklet, or distribute it at your cancer support group/treatment center/etc, please send us an email at brickspgh at gmail dot com. 3552 of the books arrived in my living room TODAY, and Im excited to start getting them out into the world!!!

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